Then I called upon my brilliant friend Sandy to help me come up with something to put on a "prayer card". This was the result:
O Miraculous Crafty Bitch, we prostrate
before Your Image and beseech You to cast
your inspiring look on our troubled scissors.
before Your Image and beseech You to cast
your inspiring look on our troubled scissors.
Let Your tender Heart, so inclined to glitter and ribbon,
be softened by our prayers and grant us that spark of
genius for which we ardently implore You.
Take from us all dried-out glue, all dull cardstock
and misplaced stamp pads with which we are laden.
For Your Sacred Craftiness's sake, hear our prayers
and send us inspiration and aid that we may praise You,
with Michael's and Hobby Lobby, for ever and ever. Amen.
be softened by our prayers and grant us that spark of
genius for which we ardently implore You.
Take from us all dried-out glue, all dull cardstock
and misplaced stamp pads with which we are laden.
For Your Sacred Craftiness's sake, hear our prayers
and send us inspiration and aid that we may praise You,
with Michael's and Hobby Lobby, for ever and ever. Amen.