These are a couple of items I did for a small vintage Halloween swap on Craftster.

I've been in a crafty slump for the better part of a year now. There are so many excuses I could come up with but it really boils down to the fact that I'm totally disorganized and my work space is an overwhelming mess. I did the "cleanup" in July, which turned out to be an effort in futility. Within days my space was a total wreck again. Its still a wreck. I walk in there, take one look at the mess, turn right around and walk back out.
I also have an issue with creating anything that isn't for a specific purpose, like a swap. I don't know when the last time I created something just for the sake of doing it. I have a piece sitting on my table right now that isn't destined for some far off destination and I'm set on finishing it by Sunday night. Its just in the early stages but I already like it and I think its got potential to be a cool piece. Now to get it off the table and turned into a finished piece, hanging on my wall. (I even know where I want to hang it when its done!)
Hopefully there will be pictures posted by Monday morning. I'm crossing my fingers.